Hidrolavadora 350 Bar Jet Electric High Pressure Washer

Du pouvoir: 10 KW
Caractéristique: Non toxique
Industrie utilisée: Magasin de lavage de voiture
Carburant: Electric
Processus de nettoyage: Nettoyage à l'eau froide
Type de nettoyage: high jet pressure washer
Matériel: Métal / Bobine
Max. Pression: 350bar

15kw Industrial Sewer Jetting Machine Cleaner

Cold water Jet High pressure washer is a machine that uses a power device to make a high-pressure plunger pump produce high-pressure water towash the surface of an object. It can peel off and wash away the dirt to achieve the purpose of cleaning the surface of the object. Because it uses high-pressure water jets to clean up dirt, high-pressure cleaning is also recognized as one of the most scientific, economical, and environmentally friendly cleaning methods in the world.

DK3015 10KW 1450RPM 300BAR-4350PSI 15LPM
DK3018 11KW 1450RPM 300BAR-4350PSI 18LPM
DK3521 15KW 1450RPM 350BAR-5075PSI 21LPM
DK5022 22KW 1450RPM 500BAR-7250PSI 22LPM

15kw high pressure jet washer 350bar high pressure cleaning machine H31b96ce4cf7b457a92ac5fa50fe786214 Cold Water Cleaning machine H601700a78002423694ca501e56f334c2g Industrial Sewer Jetting Machine Cleaner

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